
Google Nexus One Phone

Some time ago I was looking for information about the phone, I asked to my friends but they are less understanding of the electronics. Finally after searching on the internet, I found a site about phone hack, tips, and accessories. That site called Nexus One. After seeing the site, now all my problems on mobile […]

Job Vacancy

Some time ago a friend of mine was finding a job, but he’s yet to find it. Finally I told him a site that could save the lives of my friends, the site was named Jobtrottr.com. What’s that? That’s a local job search site that will give you a job vacancy near your home. On […]

Anti Stress Shoes

Among young people, shoes are accessories that must be used because it can make self-confidence increases. In addition to showing that we are the people who are always up to date, the shoes can make our prestige increases. But the shoes were not just to increase the prestige and confidence, but to relieve stress. I […]

Alexa Rank Terus Menurun (Baca: Membaik)

Sudah nyaris 2 minggu saya tidak posting blog sama sekali, bahkan blogwalking pun tidak. Entah kenapa semangat blogging sudah menurun drastis, padahal usaha yang dilakukan untuk membuat blog tetap hidup bukan lah hal yang mudah. Motivasi saya dalam blogging adalah membuat alexa rank dan page rank blog ini meningkat, karena dari situ lah blogger-blogger dianggap […]

Blog Ini Hampir Mati

Dari H-1 lebaran (Kamis) sampai hari H+6 lebaran (Kamis) saya tidak menyentuh yang namanya internet, ntah kenapa thr*e gak bisa internet-an lagi, padahal tenggang waktu masih banyak dan kuota juga belum habis. Saya dirumah (Depok) menggunakan internet wireless karena mungkin lebih murah. Akhirnya hari ini saya kembali ke kost (Bandung) yang ada internet gratisnya dan […]

Hair is Women`s Crown

Hair is women`s crown because it makes women more beautiful. But to make and take care your hair is not easy. It takes time, money, and certainly a good quality of these cosmetic tools. Some time ago I found a site that provides a solution to me (actually not for me but for my beloved) […]

Importance of SEO

Search engine optimation is a new trend in advertising site / blog in the internet world. Search engine optimation or SEO is also a free way to make a site / blog visited by consumers. For example, you search the automotive tools to modify your car and then you type it on search engines. Then […]

Resale Right Club

So far, I’ve developed the product and promote my website in order to increase product sales. But apparently it was all just a waste of money, it was all a myth. Until I found a site that made me realize to do things easier but much smarter. The site is Resale Right club that offers […]

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